Personalized Meditation for Adults

Discover how personalized meditation techniques can transform your life. By pinpointing your unique stress triggers, you'll gain powerful tools to manage stress effectively and invite relaxation. These personalized practices also work wonders for enhancing concentration and mental clarity, enabling you to stay laser-focused on your daily commitments. We understand the challenge of restless nights, where a busy mind can disrupt sleep. With personalized meditation, experience the soothing balm that calms your thoughts and paves the way for rejuvenating, peaceful sleep.

Are you a parent and feel like you could enjoy a guide meditation too?

What’s in the Scarlett Panda stories subscription

Unlimited instant stories for bedtime or through the day

Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Custom meditations for children

Relaxing meditations to help your children overcome strong emotions, manage their sleep and build resilience.

Long formats and learning adventure

Longer storybooks with up to 10 chapters as well as customized “choose your on path” learning adventures to discover the world together at your own rythm.

What parents say about Scarlett Panda’s stories

  • “Oh, this is so much fun. Seeing my kids trying to invent goofy characters and looking at how excited they are with the stories is so amazing to watch”

    Sam, mother of Kevin 5 and Melinda 9

  • “I was a bit worried about giving extra screen time to my kids but I must say, it is nothing like that, you can clearly see they are learning and developing their imagination”

    Leonie, mother of Elisa 4 and Melvin 7

  • “I love the storybook format, every day you receive a chapter that has been crafted to your child’s preference. I wish we could have the option of receiving a print version of it, hopefully they’ll offer that soon.”

    Sam, dad of Molly