One upon a time there was a baby named Scarlett and she loved pandas, short stories and stories about pandas…

The short story of our short stories

Ellis and Vivien met in 2016 in Manchester and have travelled the world since. They got married in 2021 and from this love, a beautiful baby girl named Scarlett was born. It is in a café in Indonesia, while looking at children holding screens and while reading the same book over and over to Scarlett that Ellis and Vivien had a great idea. They decided to create an application that will not only generate new short stories that will feature kids and their toys but also make children across the world read more and develop their imagination. Scarlett Panda was born.

What parents say about Scarlett Panda’s stories

  • “Oh, this is so much fun. Seeing my kids trying to invent goofy characters and looking at how excited they are with the stories is so amazing to watch”

    Sam, mother of Kevin 5 and Melinda 9

  • “I was a bit worried about giving extra screen time to my kids but I must say, it is nothing like that, you can clearly see they are learning and developing their imagination”

    Leonie, mother of Elisa 4 and Melvin 7

  • “I love the storybook format, every day you receive a chapter that has been crafted to your child’s preference. I wish we could have the option of receiving a print version of it, hopefully they’ll offer that soon.”

    Sam, dad of Molly

Short stories and other features

Scarlett panda is not just about instant stories. We tailored our whole application to the need of children and their parents.

  • The bigger brother of the instant stories with 10 chapter long formats.

  • Customized meditations to help children with managing their emotions, sleeping better or building resilience.

  • Pick a topic you want to learn about and be guided through that universe by Scarlett the Panda.

  • Lovely customizable lullabies to sing to your little ones.

  • Meditations for parenting